Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Aruvatham Patchai

Scientific name - Ruta Graveolens
English - Rue or herb of grace
Siddha - sada pillai
Tamil- Aruvatham patchai

It is a delicate plant until it is called as herb of grace. It is easily wither if it is happen to be touched with impurity  hands. Indians see it as one of the sacred plants. It has a special fragrance. The leaves are bitter in taste. It is a great help for newborn baby care. But, it is recommended to use in a small quantity.

1. the leaves are used for treating discomfort or indigestion (non-stop crying) and also sudden burst of tremors or quivering among newborn babies - the leaves (one or two) are rolled to make small amulet and tie it to the infant hand as a wristband. Baby will sniff the leaves whenever it brings the hand close to the nose. This cures the discomfort in the baby.

2. crushed leaves are use to make cough syrup or decoction to prevent or combat phlegm.

3. boil few leaves to make decoction and drink it for improve bowel movement and detoxification.

4. smoke the dried leaves to purify the air and deter insects and also to fungal free our home environment.

5. can be used as edible food and salad dressing.

Now it is planted as an ornamental garden plant. Its bluish leaves and tolerance to the extreme climate and poor soil  make it  gardeners choice to beautify gardens. Its also good as insect repellent. It can be used to deter some animals that messing up our garden like cats - cats dislike the smell of this plant.

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